
Springville City offers a biweekly residential curbside recycling program for Springville residents. The cost for this environmentally friendly service is $9.34 per month.

Please make sure recycling cans are put out on the street by 7 a.m. on the day of your recycling collection day/route day to avoid a return pickup fee of $40.00. Please refer to the recycling schedule below for your pick up date and time.

If you miss the recycling truck or put your recycling can out after 7 a.m., please be aware there will be a $40.00 fee for late or return pickup of your recycling can.

By participating in the recycling program, you commit to having your recycling can for at least six months.

layer iconOn the map, select the layer icon to switch between the garbage and recycling map

Recycling Map

Updated 08/2021

A friendly customer service rep can help you sign up for recycling by calling
(801) 491-7867 or by filling out the form below.