Snow Removal

Snow Plow

Policy #STSR-02032009

Purpose:  Springville City’s objective is to provide an adequate transportation system for vehicles that are properly equipped for winter driving conditions. Optimal driving conditions will be provided as soon as practical, during and after a winter storm. Certain streets have a higher intensity use and thus have a higher priority for snow removal.

Procedure:  Springville City has established the following criteria for snow removal. See for priority streets.

Top:  Primary streets, such as arterials, major collectors and designated snow routes that are determined to provide the basic transportation system for public safety, schools, high volume streets, steep grades, etc. These streets will be plowed from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Secondary: Secondary and residential routes, selected minor collectors and residential streets, deemed desirable to be maintained, as weather permits. Traffic lanes only will be plowed.

Low: Remaining City streets including the airport and cul-de-sacs. Traffic lanes only will be plowed. Cul-de-sacs will receive one pass in and one pass out, providing no cars are parked in the roadway.
It is not the position of Springville City to maintain a bare pavement policy nor to provide snow and ice removal on every City street during or after every snow storm event. Springville City only applies salt to intersections and roadways with steep grades.

City snow removal personnel and equipment operations are from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. After periods in which movement of traffic has occurred or snow is pushing into the road by any persons, snow plows no longer become an option to totally clear snow packed or icy streets, except to remove loose material on the top. Snow berms (windrow of plowed snow) are a result of normal snow removal operations and are not removed by City personnel.

Driveway entrances affected by snow berms are to be cleared by each individual property owner. Snow pushed into the street by citizens after City plows have cleared the street is prohibited and results in a safety hazard that causes ice build-up on the roadway surface. The resulting condition makes it difficult to completely clear snow packed or icy streets, except to remove loose materials on the top.

Parked vehicles or trailers on the street inhibit snow plows from properly removing snow from the roadway surface. Vehicles and trailers blocking a street, in which a snow plow cannot safely pass, may result in the street not being plowed.