Springville City’s budget operates on a fiscal year that starts July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following year.
Like other government entities, the City uses an accounting system called fund accounting that emphasizes accountability rather than profitability. In this system, a fund is a self-balancing set of accounts, segregated for specific purposes in accordance with laws and regulations or special restrictions and limitations. The two most common fund types are (1) governmental funds, where accounting for most of the fundamental governmental functions occurs.and (2) proprietary funds where more business-like functions of a government are accounted for.
The main governmental fund is called the General Fund and includes administration (city council, city administrator, legal, finance, treasury, and court); public safety (police, dispatch, fire, and ambulance); public works (public works administration, facility maintenance and streets); community development (planning, zoning and building inspections); and community services (parks, recreation, swimming pool, library, cemetery, art museum and senior citizens). Revenues for this fund come from taxes, grants, licensing fees, fines and user fees.
Most of the proprietary funds are called enterprise funds which operate like a business (electric, water, sewer, solid waste collection, storm water, and the golf course fall into this category). They provide a specific service and charge fees for the service which covers the cost of their operations.
The Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Utah Cities (Utah Code 10-6-111) requires that Springville City adopt a tentative budget in the first regular Council meeting in May for the ensuing year. Additionally, state statute (Utah Code 10-6-118) requires the city to adopt a final budget on or before the last June 22 of each fiscal period.
The City Council typically holds additional strategy and budget retreats throughout the year where strategic goals and priorities are discussed in the context of budget planning. Once the tentative budget is adopted, it is made available to the public for review. Comments from the public are welcome during a public hearing in June when adoption of the tentative budget as the final budget is considered.
To view the Springville City budget documents, click the links to download the pdf files.